Does Norton Antivirus Really Make Your Computer Run Faster?


It is already a guarantee that Norton Antivirus will be cited when computer security is your subject. This cannot be denied in regards to security software, as it is one of the most famous. Like most other security programs, this is no different; You want to protect people's computers from viruses and spyware inside their own homes.


The great thing about this program is that it has virus protection levels. Another thing about Norton Antivirus is the fact that it is automatically updated using a time period of five. People will not have difficulties since this program scans the virus search within their own system. That is why there is a possibility that the software has the ability to infest your PC. It will not be weight since it absorbs a small distance of approximately 30, to install it.


However, with all these attributes, I am sure that many men and women wonder if it could slow down the functionality of a computer. We want to have, although obviously it is a fact that we need a PC. According to the forums controlled by men and women who have used Norton Antivirus due to their security program, they have experienced consequences when installing the program.

I was disappointed that you can't really protect your system from the latest system danger if the program has been updated. The worst part is that people's systems were blocked due to the application's inability to protect them. Another manifestation that this program is slowing down the machine is that it requires time to allow the computer.


Norton Antivirus has been tested by specialists to find out when it can be used by users, if it can perform its occupation. These specialists said that using the hardware specifications, the indicated antivirus can do its job. They tried to compare the operation of a computer before and after setting up the security program. They discovered that this program uses only a maximum of 8 MB of disk space. The time that one has to have the ability to scan a memory using 37 GB of information inside was tested and discovered that this program will only take 25 minutes to scan everything and make sure there are no harmful processes in your system.


It is clear that many do not consider the program although the tests were performed. This means that it seems to only work for computers with requirements that not everyone can get in Norton Antivirus.


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